ECE Journals invites papers submission for the following fields
- International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
- International Journal of Agricultural Sciences (IJAS)
- International Journal of Physics and Mathematical Sciences (IJPMS)
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJPS)
- International Journal of Economics & Finance (IJEF)
- International Journal of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (IJMME)
- International Journal of Business & Management (IJBM)
- Nanotechnology & Nanoscience
- International Journal of Environmental Sciences (IJES)
- International Journal of English Language and Inter-Continental Studies (IJEIS)
- International Journal of Chemistry (IJC)
- International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (IJSSH)
- International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science (IJERGS)
- European Journal of Biological Sciences and Life Sciences (IJBSLS)
- International Journal of Architectural Design and Management Studies (IJADMS)
- International Journal of Agricultural Research (IJAR)
- International Journal of Geology and Mineral Resources Research (IJGMR)
- European Journal of Political Science and International Relations (EJPSIR)
- International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFNS)