International Journal of Chemistry (IJC) is an international peer-reviewed journal published by the European Centre for Excellence across Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. IJC provides access to research journal for scientists, scholars, researchers and engineers to exchange their research ideas and work throughout the world.


European Centre for Excellence promotes the speedy publication of research work. We aim to disseminate quality & genuine scientific contents to create reputed archival of literature in the field. Publication is a long path from author to reader, so our aim to remove the barrier between author and reader or the end-user for the free flow of scientific information by making the journals Open Access. The centre provides a rapid turn-around time possible for reviewing and publishing and to disseminate the articles freely for research, teaching and reference purposes.

This centre continues to grow in the promotion of research insight and emerging knowledge, and it now delivers support and services to researchers and teachers worldwide. The centre provides a variety of programs to support and promote education, research development, and scientific publishing in partnership with research organisations, universities, international institutions and research agencies. European Centre for Excellence strives to publish only the highest quality scientific research, and papers undergo rigorous peer review and approved by Scholars hub board of editors before publication. Our mobile-friendly websites offer easy access to scientific and academic journals.

Submissions are accepted from all researchers worldwide.